Mirdamad Street

- Army Unit (IRG) Positioned in front of Interior Ministry
- Heavy Security Forces at Enghelab Square
- Guards moving toward Jamalzadeh Cr. and Police replaced at Enghlab Square
- Army Helicopters flying Over Enghelab Square, Park Laleh and Azadi Street
- People are gathering at Vanak Square
- Enghelab Square is not completely closed but police are everywhere trying to locate key protesters amongst crowd
- Guards moving toward Jamalzadeh Cr. and Police replaced at Enghlab Sq
- There is no traffic! No security forces around Mohseni and Mirdamad
- ALARMING declaration by General Hossein Hamedani of the Basij Forces
- People and Basijis clash in SA’adatabad Enghelab and Tehran University
- No Mobile Network in Central Tehran
- Shiraz: Clashes between people and basij in darvaze qoran
- On 12 Farvardin Street, Tehran 300 people sitting on the ground
- I just called someone in Enghelab Square. They are protesting safely! No clashes till now
- Riot Guards moving to Enghelab Sq - Police force being ordered back to bases.
- Regular Security Forces ordered to leave Enghelab Sq. Guards units taking over
- People are moving in a stream towards Enghelab from 100 bed hospital/Khomeini Hospital
- Thousands of people gathered in front of Polytechnic Uni and moving toward Valiasr St.
- SARI: Large crowd armed with flowers and cameras in center of Sari
- Basij and plainclothed security at and around Dr. Beheshti Sq.
- At 5 pm, thousands of people will march toward Valiasr Street in support of political priosoners and will chant " Free Political Prisoners"
- Basij throwing protesters from pedestrian bridges in Shiraz
- At Enghelab Sq, people are walking on pedestrian ways. Police forces are there as well and plainclothed security are amongst people.
- Enghelab Square is packed with people; Basijis are beating people, people are coming from surrounding streets.
- Police shooting tear gas at people. People are shouting 'down with dictator.'
- Clashes between police and people in Enghelab Square
- Clashes reported in Saatad Abad. Hundreds of protesters sitting on the ground in 12-e-Farvardin.
- Clashes between people who were moving towards Valiasr Square and police forces
- Clashes near Tehran university, police beating up protestors, tear gas fired
- Enghelab square is packed with people coming from side streets, Basijis fighting them with batons and tear gas.
- Thousands of people are marching toward Valiasr square from Politechnic; one person is arrested in Enghelab square
- People are moving toward Tehran Univ. and chanting 'Don't be afraid, we all are together'
- Security forces started using tear in Karegar st.
- Police arrested a girl; they treated her very badly ...They pulled her on the ground on the way to the van . Several people were arrested.
- Teargas fired at Enghelab Sq.; clashes in Enghelab and Azadi Sq.
- 2-3000 people now in Revolution (Enghelab) Square in Tehran
- People and basijj clash at Enghelab Square - people outnumber Basij by 10 to 1
- Clashes in front of Tehran University and Vanak Square
- People are joining the demonstration from Imam Hossein Sq. towards Enghelab Sq
- Police arresting seemingly at random; throwing tear gas into buses.
- Hundreds of protesters are chanting against the regime in front of Polytechnic University, Near Azadi Sq.
- Police used Teargas against people trying to push them back at Vanak Sq
- Protests reported in Tabriz, Isfahan & Shiraz as well.
- Heavy Clashes at Karegar Shomali St, (Near Enghlab Sq.) Tear gas, fire and blockade...
- Mashhad: In Imam Reza Shrine people gathered and number of them are increasing minute by minute...
- Isfahan streets are full of plainclothed forces and people are standing in streets from Khaju Brdg to Siosepol.
- Next to Tehran University people are chanting 'Down with Dictator' and asking the Police to join them
- Gathered people at Ferdowsi Sq is increasing; there's a big crowd!
- More than 30 ppl were arrested againt Tehran University.
- Gunshots and tear gas fired at Engelab Sq.
- Esafahan Basijis attacking people with teargas
- People are attacked and eye witness reported bloody people and teargas.
- A big group of people are marching in Vesal St
- Since 6pm some new groups of people have came to streets ...
- Helicopters moving in around the University
- From Tehran Uni to beginning of Enghelab St at least 4000 people clapping; full Bassij presence some scattered
- Police shooting teargas at People in front of Tehran University
- Heavy clashes in Mohammad Ali Jenah St.
- People are being arrested brutally in Enghelab, and tear gas is used in Vanak
- People are booing the bassij and security force as they try to disperse them and shout.. 'shah Soltan Velayat, ur time is up'
- University slogans: "I will kill the one who killed my brother".."Down with dictator" 'SHAH SOLTAN VELAYAT ur times up'
- A lot of riot police have came in, and we saw them attacking people, in cooperation with basij.
- Tehran: Gunshots heard at Keshavarz Blvd.
- Tehran time: 19:37
- GunShots heard from Kargar Shomali St
- ppl in Tabriz move toward Abresan intersection
- Many of Tehran's shops are closed
- Clashes in front of Evin Prison
- Tehran 9 July, Kargar shomali Street - First video from today
Copyright © 2009 RRblog
- Cars in the streets...fires everywhere in Azadi street...Basij breaking car windows
- An hour ago Mirdamad Metro station sat on fire
- Fire in Mirdamad getting out of control
- Ppl attacked Basij in SaadatAbad & Sattarkhan
- Several people arrested in Valiasr junction
- Tehran time: 20:30
- Internet access in Iran problematic and speeds are low
- After 8PM in Iran still many ppl in street & ppl already chanting from rooftops. Many clashes today
- Tehran is on fire; numbers of protesters increasing and in some places basij are running from protesters
- People attacked Basij in SaadatAbad and Sattarkhan
- People have overcome some basij & taken their batons away. From them you can hear 'Down with Khamenei'
- Plain clothes police are now pulling ppl out of stores, attacking ppl in streets around Enghelab Square
- Police fired into the air to disperse crowd
- Evin Prison: There were executions earlier today. Numbers unknown
Tehran, Keshavarz Blvd. 9 July
- A police car in Tehranpars has been set on fire
- We need some doctors to go to Enghelab Sq.; they need help just as people are wounded
- Amirabad also under fire and Jamalzade lots of injured
- Many ppl had wounds on their hands from defending themself earlier today, they had no weapons, only their raised voices.
- Basij forces mercilessly beating people. In Shiraz Basij and Police force suddenly stormed by protesters
- Cellphones (apart from IranCell ones) blocked
- Basij used a gas that burned our skins it's still red and inflamed
Chants against Khamenei's Son, Mojtaba, 9 July Tehran
Taleqani-Valiasr, Tehran 8:00pm, 9 July
- Kaveh Mozaffari was arrested!
- In Amirabad St , shooting in the air and chanting "Down with Dictator" can be heard at the same time. ppl are on the rooftops and basij in the streets !
- Plainclothes forces with guns and knives along with organized motorcyclists attacked some of the politechnic dormitories. Plainclothes forces in a attack at Golashan dormitory in Beh Afarin St have beaten up several students and dormitory's guards .
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