Friday, 12 February 2010

WPI 22 Bahman protest Norway

Watch a clip of WPI's protest on 22 Bahman in Norway in front of the Islamic regime's embassy which was filmed by Norwegian Nett TV here.

February 11: another defeat for the Islamic Republic of Iran!

Today, Iran and the world - from Tehran, Esfahan, Mashad, Ahvaz to Stockholm, Frankfurt, London and The Hague - were the scenes of powerful and impassioned protests by the revolutionary people against the departing regime of the Islamic Republic.

The regime had summoned all its brutality and mobilised its entire machinery of murder, intimidation and media in the hope of surviving this day. Nevertheless, shouts of ‘Death to dictator’, ‘Khamenei is a murderer’, ‘Political prisoners must be released’ and other radical slogans of the people reverberated in Tehran and many other cities.

Film clips showing the pulling down and stepping on the billboards of Khamenei and Khomeini were shown on the world’s media. Some neighbourhoods of Tehran fell into people’s hands for hours, and some women threw away the Islamic headscarf. Groups of people marched towards Evin Prison, and were only stopped after an attack by the regime’s brutal security forces. Only by unprecedented control and extreme savagery, by turning the state Radio and TV headquarters, Khamenei’s residence and government ministries into virtual fortresses was the regime able to pass the day. In European cities, too, only the heavy presence of the police was able to prevent the Islamic Republic’s embassies from being taken over by massive angry crowds.

The world witnessed the tug of war between the revolution and counter-revolution in Iran. It saw once again how pathetically and viciously the Islamic Republic is fighting for its life in the face of a mass and radical revolution. The journalists who the regime had invited to relay the words of the head of its “dead state”, nearly all made fun of its clumsy attempts in putting up the show rally. Despite the regime’s plans, the international media reported on the repression, brutal crackdown and hired mobs bussed in to the state rally, and the resolve and determination of the people to see the regime off to its end.

February 11 also revealed the absurdity and hypocrisy of the admonitions of the pro-regime ‘opposition’ asking people “not to use force”, and how these appeals practically serve Khamenei and the regime. It was proven once again that the only genuine and the least costly way before Iranian society is the toppling of the barbaric Islamic regime by the power of people’s revolution. After February 11, we shall no doubt see a further polarization of Iran’s political scene, the radicalization of the revolution and a more earnest preparation by the revolutionary people to put an end to the Islamic Republic by their direct revolutionary action.

The Worker-communist Party of Iran sends its greetings to all the women and men who heroically came out on the streets today. WPI fights with all power for the victory of this revolution, the total overthrow of the Islamic Republic and the building of a free and equal society.

Down with the Islamic Republic of Iran!

A human revolution for a human rule!

For a socialist republic!

Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI)

February 11, 2010

WPI 22 Bahman protest London Islamic regime's embassy

See footage of WPI's protest in front of the Islamic regime's embassy in London.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

WPI TV on 22 Bahman

This week's WPI TV, the English language TV programme of WPI, on the anticipated protests in Iran and abroad on the anniversary of the fall of the Shah's regime, 22Bahman (11 February).

Long Live Revolution in Iran

Currently there is a vast revolution taking place in Iran. Today there are demonstrations across Iran and in many countries around the world. The aim of this movement is to overthrow 31 years of the Islamic regime which represents 31 years of executions, stoning, sexual apartheid, inequality for women, barbaric and backward religious laws, lack of fundamental rights for working people, lack of freedom of expression, lack of the right to protest, strike and organise, imposition of utmost poverty on 70 million people in Iran and spread of terror in the Middle East and the world. This is a regime that has created one of the most brutal and corrupt systems in the world.

The people of Iran, who have fought for 31 years against this regime, by bringing an end to the Islamic nightmare, want to establish a human society, a society that is secular, where the death penalty and all brutal Islamic punishments have been abolished and religious government ended; where all the misogynist laws have been revoked; where unconditional freedom of expression, organisation and strike has been established.

The Islamic regime’s end is here, and the people of Iran aim to smash the entire machinery of suppression of this regime. The end of the Islamic regime will also deal a death blow to the political Islamic movement in the Middle East, as well as to its offshoots in the rest of the world. It will put an end to the Islamic Republic’s nuclear ambitions and adventures.

The revolution of the people of Iran deserves your enthusiastic support. We call on you to turn every opportunity and every day into a day of solidarity with the revolution in Iran for freedom and for getting rid of one of the most murderous regimes of contemporary history.

Join us to say that the Islamic regime of Iran must go!

Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI)
11 February 2010

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

All out on Feb 11 in support of the people of Iran!

To people of the world
To all labour unions and rights’ organisations and individuals

The end of the Islamic regime of Iran is near. A regime that has kept itself in power for 31 years by execution, torture and repression is about to go. We call on you to support the struggle of the people of Iran for toppling this regime and for bringing freedom, equality, welfare, secularism, an end to gender apartheid, free speech, freedom to organise and strike, and an end to the death penalty, torture and stoning and all brutal Islamic punishments.

On Thursday Feb 11 people of Iran will be preparing themselves for massive demonstrations across Iran. Simultaneously, around the world in front of the Islamic Republic’s embassies and consulates people will be holding demonstrations in support of the people of Iran. We call on you to show your solidarity by joining these demonstrations.

For international solidarity with the people of Iran!
A human revolution for a human rule!

Khalil Keyvan
Worker-communist Party of Iran - Organisation Abroad
5 February 2010

Monday, 8 February 2010

Berlin: Protest 9 February

Liebe Freunde,

das islamische Regime hat seine Festtagung in Maritim Hotel Berlin am 09.02 abgesagt.

Das ist ein Erfolg für alle Menschen, die dagegen protestiert und die sich mit den Menschen im Iran, die für die Freiheit und Menschlichkeit kämpfen, solidarisiert haben.

Der Kampf um Freiheit geht weiter.

Wir werden am 09.02 um 12 Uhr vor dem islamischen Konsulat in Berlin uns versammeln und der islamischen Regierung zeigen, dass wir, sowie Millionen von Menschen im Iran, bis zu ihrem Absturz nicht aufgeben.


Dienstag, den 09.Feb. - 12 Uhr

vor dem islamischen Konsulat in Berlin

Podbielskiallee 67 (U-Bahn: Podbielskiallee)

Das islamische Regime muss WEG!

Wir fordern die Schließung aller Konsulate der Islamischen Regierung!

Auslandsorganisation der Arbeiterkommunistischen Partei Irans - Deutschland
Kontakt: Handy: 01785396594

API Deutschland offener Brief & Protest in Hamburg

Offener Brief an die Veranstalter der Iran-Konferenz

Vor 11 Jahren haben wir gegen die Veranstaltung der ‚Heinrich Böll Stiftung’, in der zahlreiche Vertreter der islamischen Regierung unter dem Vorwand des ‚Kulturaustausches’ im ‚Haus der Kulturen der Welt’ in Berlin eingeladen waren, protestiert.

Diese Konferenz, welche später sowohl in Deutschland als auch im Iran als Berlin-Konferenz berühmt wurde, hat nach zwei Tagen Protest durch hunderte von Demonstranten in und außerhalb der Konferenz eine Niederlage erlitten.

Heute ist die Welt Zeuge einer Revolution im Iran für Freiheit und Menschlichkeit, die vor 8 Monaten begonnen hat. Die Welt hat gesehen, dass die Menschen im Iran dieses Regime, welches Schuld an der Ermordung von Tausenden von Menschen hat, nicht mehr dulden.

Sie wollen in Hamburg am 11.02.2010, am Jahrestag der Revolution von 1979 gegen das Shah-Regime, eine Iran-Konferenz im Hotel Atlantic-Kempinski veranstalten.

Tausende von Menschen im Iran wurden mehr als 30 Jahre in Gefängnissen in der schlimmsten Art und Weise gefoltert, vergewaltigt, gesteinigt und hingerichtet.

Die von Ihnen geplante Iran-Konferenz ist ein Treffen von prominenten Befürwortern und Schönrednern dieser Barbarei, sowie von Mittätern dieses Verbrechens gegen die Menschheit.

Sie haben unter anderem als einer der Referenten in dieser Veranstaltung Ali Reza Sheikh Attar, den Botschafter der islamischen Regierung eingeladen.

Ali Reza Scheikh Attar ist ein Mittäter bei Massakern und der Ermordung von hunderten von Menschen im Iran in den 80er Jahren, genauso wie Mahmud Ahmadinejad. Er gehört als Mörder und Verbrecher auf eine Anklagebank und nicht zur einer ‚Podiums Diskussion’ in einem Hotel.

Diese Konferenz findet in einer Zeit statt, in der die Menschen im Iran ihrem Leben dafür geben, um das diktatorische und barbarische islamische Regime los zu werden.

Nachdem die geplanten Feierlichkeiten der islamischen Regierung in Maritim Hotel Berlin wegen massiven Drucks der Öffentlichkeit abgesagt wurde, versuchen Sie nun mit so genannten ‚Orient-Experten’ auf dem Podium, der islamischen Regierung aus der Peitsche zu helfen.

Es ist aber zu spät! Machen Sie Ihre Augen und Ohren auf. Ihre Zeit ist vorbei.

Das islamische Regime ist nicht mehr in der Lage, sich zu retten, und Sie werden ihm auch nicht mehr helfen können. Millionen von Menschen im Iran haben laut und deutlich gesagt, dass sie diese verhasste Regierung nicht mehr länger ertragen wollen.

Das ist eine Schande und eine Verachtung des Willens der Menschen im Iran.

Das ist eine Missachtung der Menschlichkeit.

Wir verurteilen diese Veranstaltung aufs Schärfste und kündigen an, dass wir den Vertretern und Zuarbeitern des islamischen Regimes keine Gelegenheit geben werden, im Ausland das vergossene Blut der Menschen im Iran für die Freiheit mit Füßen zu treten.

Sagen Sie diese Veranstaltung ab, und ziehen Sie sich als Respekt vor den Menschen im Iran und auch in Deutschland zurück.

Wir rufen gleichzeitig alle freiheitsliebenden Menschen und Organisationen auf, sich der Protestkundgebung am 11.02.2010 um 17 Uhr vor dem Hamburger Atlantic-Kempinski Hotel anzuschließen.

Auslandsorganisation der Arbeiterkommunistischen Partei Irans – Deutschland


Handy: 01785396594

WPI 22 Bahman rallies across the world

Rallies against the Islamic Republic of Iran on the occasion of the anniversary of February 11 (22 Bahman) in Germany, Canada, United Kingdom, Sweden, Australia, Norway, USA, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Holland, Austria, Turkey, and Finland

We are approaching the anniversary of 1979 Iranian Revolution. Both in Iran and abroad, people are getting ready for massive protests on this day. This is another opportunity to come down to the streets unified in order to organize massive rallies and protests all around the world to topple the Islamic criminals that rule Iran.

In whatever city you live, get ready to join the rallies in front of Iranian embassies and central squares. Every city should be made a scene of the struggle to overthrow the Islamic regime. The larger our rallies abroad the less will be the cost for Iranian people in their struggle to overthrow the Islamic Republic. Here is the list of the rallies and demonstrations around the world:

France - Paris :
Place : Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time, 11 February, 15.00 / 17.00

France - Lyon :
Place : Bellecourt Square
Time, 11 February, 18.00 / 20.00

Place: Consulate of the Islamic Republic
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 11.00-17.00
Contact number: +49 157 816 887 32

Place: Dom Cathedral
Time: Friday, February 12, 2010, 15.00
Contact Number: 01 77 3600 963

Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time: Tuesday, February 10, 2010, 12.00
Contact Number: 01 72 403 70 35, 01 76 248 663 17

Protesting “Iran Conference” (Iranian ambassador will be present)
Place: Atlantic Hotel, 72-79 An der Alster
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 17.00
Contact Number: 01 72 404 43 23

Place: Mel Lastman Square
Time: Thursday February 11, 2010, 17.00-19.00

Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 12.00-14.00

Place: Art Gallery (Robson and Howe intersection)
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 17.30
Contact Number: +1 604 727 89 86

Place: Philips Square
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 17.00

Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 13.00-14.00
Place: Norway Parliament
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 14.30-15.30
Contact Number: +47 98 69 40 01

Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time; Thursday, February 11, 2010, 12.00

Place: Bronz Parken, by the side of Johannes’ Statue
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 16.00-18.00
Contact Number: 46 73 71 78 819

Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time: Time; Friday, February 12, 2010, 11.00-13.00

Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time: Time; Thursday, February 11, 2010, 14.00-17.00
Contact Number: 44 79 50 92 44 34

USA-Washington DC
Place: Interest Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Embassy of Pakistan)
Time: Time; Thursday, February 11, 2010, 12.00

Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 17.00-19.00

Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 16.00
Contact Number: 45 40 54 39 92

Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 13.00-15.00
Contact Number: 41 76 30 60 723

Holland-Den Hague
Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 13.00-15.00
Contact Number: 65 12 73 261

Place: Iran Air Office-Kartner Strasse
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 17.00

Place: Embassy of the Islamic Republic
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 14.00-19.00

Place: Parliament
Time: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 13.00

We call upon all to participate in these protests.

Worker-Communist Party of Iran-Organization Abroad
February 4, 2010